The right solution for every requirement
BRUGGER offers an extensive product range of magnets and magnet systems. Here you will find a detailed description of the most important products. At your request, we can of course also offer you other magnetic products, such as magnetic pockets, magnetic foil, magnetic tapes, magnetic stands, sealing magnets and much more.
If you have not found the item you are looking for, please contact us!
At Brugger you are also in the right place if you have not yet found exactly what you are looking for.
We manufacture individual small series from 1 piece and large series quickly and reliably. We generally check to what extent existing components or tools can be used. You benefit from assured quality with an excellent price-performance ratio.
You can rely on our problem-solving competence!
REACH registration:
Under the REACH Regulation, manufacturers in the EU or importers of substances or mixtures of substances into the EU must register them if the annual quantity is more than one tonne (averaged over the last three years). We have registered all relevant substances and substance mixtures accordingly.
Lead in our products - SVHC substance:
Since December 2022, we only order lead-free material from our suppliers that complies with the requirements of the REACH regulation (1907/2006). The lead content is thus less than 0.1%. After the products that are still partly in stock have been discharged, we will be completely "lead-free". This eliminates the obligation to inform customers according to the regulation (Article 33).